This Business Disruption Costs Businesses $700 Billion Per Year
Jun 21, 2022

When many businesses think about an emergency there are certain risks that come to mind: terrorist attacks, a shooter on campus, or devastating natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes. However, there is one you might not have considered. Find out the key business disruption that costs North American organizations $700 billion per year:


3 Things Enterprise Tech Leaders Need To Prioritize in 2022 and Beyond
May 23, 2022

To meet succeed in today’s turbulent business environment, enterprise tech leaders need to prioritize 3 things: improving flexibility and agility, institutionalizing cloud cost optimization, and meeting perimeter-less security requirements. Learn why we picked these priorities in this article.


5 Ways To Get the Most Out of FirstRain
May 17, 2022

FirstRain is a go-to for sales and marketing teams, strategy and market researchers, and executive teams. It’s also great for just about anyone looking for personalized news and data. Discover 5 ways you can use FirstRain to get the best market intelligence.


5 Ways to Ace Your Client Calls
Apr 22, 2022

Do you have an upcoming client call? Are you worried your prospect will be hesitant to accept your approach? Learn about these 5 tips that’ll help you nail your client calls.


Cloud Trends That Will Shape 2022 and Beyond
Mar 28, 2022

Cloud computing is evolving and growing rapidly in different domains. Here are the key cloud trends you can expect to continue to shape 2022 and beyond.


Everything You Need To Know About Cloud Security — and Keeping Your Business Data Safe
Jan 17, 2022

Find out what cloud security means, why it’s important and what it can do to keep your data safe.