Sococo Solution Overview

IgniteTech’s Sococo is a cloud-based SaaS platform that helps teams work side-by-side in the same online office, regardless of location. It’s a virtual office solution for remote teams that overcomes the barriers of physical distance by allowing teams to collaborate and connect. With Sococo, you can hire the best people for your team and then be confident that your online office will enable innovation, increase engagement and build trust amongst team members.

Why Sococo?

  • Bring Your Team Closer: Overcome barriers of physical distance by showing up to work side-by-side in the same online office, regardless of location.
  • Collaborate Spontaneously: Work together with others the same way you would in a physical space. Drop in, say hi, grab a room and get to work.
  • Accomplish Goals Faster: See your colleagues, know what they’re up to and get responses right away so you can be more productive
Sococo is available as part of the IgniteTech Unlimited Program.


Sococo is intuitive and easy to use — just watch the video to see it in action.


Overcome the barriers of physical distance and maintain consistency in your events strategy by hosting innovative virtual events for your employees and customers, regardless of location.

When events can’t take place in person, Sococo Events enables you to move your events online to ensure your customers don’t miss out on the great content and launches you have to share.

Why Sococo Events?

  • Annual conferences
    Join the lobby, live sessions, breakout rooms or networking sessions — all virtually.
  • Company meetings
    Hold interactive and engaging sales kick-off meetings, company-wide quarterly meetings or product training sessions.
  • Supplement in-person events
    Deliver extra valuable content in a live, interactive event space.
  • Host prospects
    Accelerate your pipeline and drive conversion with virtual events.




How is Sococo different from other solutions such as Skype, Slack, Zoom and others?

Video conferencing and chat solutions may allow you to communicate with your teammates, but they don’t allow you to connect. Communication via these tools is often asynchronous, overly structured and formal, whereas working side-by-side in your online Sococo workspace allows you to collaborate in real time, hold ad-hoc meetings and get to know the people you work with around the virtual water cooler. 

Does Sococo integrate with any tools?

While Sococo has all of the chat and video conferencing functionality you’ll need, we understand that some companies rely on tools like Slack, Zoom and Google Hangouts. That is why we fully integrate with Slack, so you can send and receive Slack messages without clicking out of your Sococo Workspace. We are also compatible with video conferencing tools like Skype, GoToMeeting, Google Hangouts, Zoom and more — you can launch a meeting on any of these platforms directly from Sococo.


Sococo Product Overview
Sococo Product Overview
Sococo Events Product Overview
Sococo Events Product Overview
World Wide Technology Case Study
World Wide Technology Case Study
Sococo Support Services
Sococo Support Services

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