Why CoreTrac?

  • Unified Customer View
    With one unified view, you’ll be able to build better relationships, sell more and expand every opportunity.
  • Always Personalized, Always On
    Deliver the right message at the right time — always.
  • Easy Integration
    Integrate with your operations to seamlessly unify how you manage client relationships.
  • Grow Revenue
    The results are tangible, delivering more revenue growth for your organization, more cross-selling opportunities than ever before and more deals closed.
  • Action Center
    See all your crucial data in one place with CoreTrac's Action Center, a comprehensive collection of dynamic data views that can be configured to your needs.
  • Powerful Reporting
    Visualize your data with easy-to-digest reporting. Track sales opportunities, view pipelines and manage employee performance.
  • Helpful Snapshots
    On customer records, Snapshot pops up to show you a collection of relevant data drawn from several sources within CoreTrac, including cases, cross-sell opportunities and marketing campaigns.


Coretrac CoPilot is a GenAI personal assistant that automates report analysis. It quickly synthesizes complex data on branch performance, referrals, and pipelines, delivering concise, actionable summaries. By delivering rapid insights for strategic planning, CoPilot streamlines decision-making and gives executives more time for other priorities.

  • Time-Saving: Eliminate the hours spent on manual report analysis, freeing up valuable time for other tasks.
  • Actionable Insights: Quickly identifies the most critical performance indicators and trends, allowing for data-driven decision-making.


CoreTrac Solution Overview
CoreTrac Solution Overview
CoreTrac Consulting Services
CoreTrac Consulting Services
CoreTrac Support Services
CoreTrac Support Services


Check out the solutions below, available free as part of your CoreTrac subscription:

Blog Posts

AI-First Thinking for Businesses with Eric Vaughan at ImagineAI NYC 2024

Aug 6, 2024

AI-First Thinking for Businesses with Eric Vaughan at ImagineAI NYC 2024

Discover the future of AI at ImagineAI NYC 2024 with Eric Vaughan presenting groundbreaking…

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Are AI users happier and more creative?

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Are AI users happier and more creative?

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Ask, don’t click: a new way to navigate IgniteTech’s website

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Ask, don’t click: a new way to navigate IgniteTech’s website

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Beyond Traditional CMS: Exploring the Capabilities of DNN AI CoPilot

Jul 12, 2024

Beyond Traditional CMS: Exploring the Capabilities of DNN AI CoPilot

Explore DNN AI CoPilot: the cutting-edge tool transforming enterprise content management. This…

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The Path to Artificial General Intelligence

Jul 3, 2024

The Path to Artificial General Intelligence

From sci-fi dreams to silicon reality, this post explores AGI's evolution, current breakthroughs,…

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Unlocking the Potential of Unsupervised Learning in Business

Jun 25, 2024

Unlocking the Potential of Unsupervised Learning in Business

Unsupervised learning is revolutionizing how businesses extract value from data. This powerful AI…

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